
It is with so much joy that I welcome you here to my blog.  I am a woman first and foremost and a mother.  I have come to accept and enjoy the gift of being who I am over time and after much soul searching.  This has come after seeking the knowledge from other like minded woman, who have shared their all to the world.  So that we are firm in our beliefs and are grounded in our instincts to listen to our body with open ears, hearts, minds and views.
My grounding and upbringing as a Māori, has given me an insight into a different perspective on not only birth but on life from my eyes.  I do not believe that my upbringing is a text book case, or believe that anyones lives should be based on text books.  It removes our ability to function and listen, where we are instead reliant on the advise and say so of a world distant from anything natural.  With this I am saying that as birth is the time we enter this world, it makes sense to see that the world first gazed upon by innocent eyes is a place that they will grow to love throughout their lives.  Birth has been perceived as an illness that requires medication and intervention, it is a time that some woman unfortunately lose touch with this instinctual turning point of their lives.  How does this make for a bright future of our upcoming generations.
Okay so this may be somewhat radical and outlandish in some opinions, but to me the interventions that are forced upon woman and their bodies during childbirth is traumatic.  So what do we do? We educate ourselves and enter into the world of womanhood and motherhood with the confidence to trust what our bodies are telling us.  Seek the advice and support from those who are there to help you on your journey and to make conscientious objections and decisions with regards to your body.
I can merely point you in a direction, but where that direction takes you is totally up to you.  If my ideas, opinions or thoughts strike a nerve, I want to know why.  Your views are welcomed and of course your knowledge.  Opinions regardless of how far left from our own scope it is, are voices of those at different levels, ideas, principles or turning points in their lives.  This does not make them wrong or anyone else wrong for that matter.  We base our understanding and belief system on the things that work and the things that have assisted us in our life.  I may not agree, but then it comes back to that stage in life or what each persons understanding is based on in their personal circumstance.  I chose not to immunise my children, which is seen as a big no no in main stream.  I choose this option based on a conscientious choice and based on my research to understand, quantify and justify it's purpose and use.  Unfortunately, I have not been completely satisfied with it's need and use in my children's lives.  I believe in the healing words, heart and spirit of the Whatumanawa, which I have been taught to use as a means to protect my family.  There is no higher power than that which is gifted from Io (our creator), in the space of the Whatumanawa we are privy to so much more than this physical world has to offer.  It was gifted to us for a reason, yet we chose to look beyond and base our way of life on someone else's ideals and wants.  My blog will be centered around so many subjects, which are dependent on the way I feel about a certain aspect.  In the above headings I will have a go to of the areas that really touch me whole heartily.  These are the subjects that strike a nerve or heart string to the point I can't not say anything or express how I feel.  In saying all this, I'm not excluding the reality that I am part of the human race that dominates the earth.  These are basic principles that motivate my voice.