Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Birth Trauma

Why I watch 16 and pregnant is beyond me, yet I love birth and can't help but watch.  I am surprised at celebrity birth and with the release of 'Business of being Born' a closer look at birthing has certainly come about.  I watched an episode of a young mum who experienced her labor in a manner that had my heart breaking for her.  Her cries and screams as she was laboring had me wonder if this kind of birth trauma, prevents young mums from birthing vaginally? It's just a question after all, but certainly one that the producers were trying to capture to possibly prevent teen pregnancies.  Questionable yet possible.  I also wondered if the information that these new mums are given (failures to progress) was just cause to perform a C Section and if this information will be taken as gospel when they become grandparents.  Holding their daughters hand or in some cases, legs wide open, on their backs and giving birth then telling them that because I too had a C Section, your my daughter so it means your failure to progress means you too will have a C Section.  I was a doula for a lady who had already had a previous C Section, as did her mother and in her mind it meant she too had the same failure to progress.  Which meant she had already accepted a C Section was on the cards.  As mothers, aunties, mentors, guardians and woman, we are all responsible for our girls and their birth experience or trauma.  What would happen if your words about birth were nothing but positive and accepting of what birth brings.  Even if this means that a C Section takes place, at least in a holistic sense.  Your mind had prepared and in your own spirit it was what was needed to bring your baby into the world.

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