Monday, November 21, 2011

My war on Moko above bums

I'm sure anyone would be sick of my rambles about Moko (traditional tattooing) above a woman's butt crack. Seriously I can't believe or comprehend why so called traditional artists are compromising the mana of our Tūpuna (ancestors) for monetary or fame benefits. It's no different to hanging our Tūpuna pictures in the toilet in my opinion and yet society, namely our own are in agreement. Our identity is compromised simply by allowing the country we live in, to dictate the way we behave. In Australia it is true that the concept of Whānautanga is non existent. We have become an each for their own culture and the materialistic realms are at full force. Why? Why do we allow ourselves to be compromised by way of our values, our language and our identity. I refuse to support any tattoo artist who places our Moko above a woman's butt crack or on her lower back for vanity or money.  Kiri Tuhi on the other hand is seen as an alternative to our traditional Moko, due it's insignificance in reference to genealogy, tribal affiliation or whakapapa. 

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