Thursday, December 8, 2011

Homeless and Marginalised

It's a raw truth that people are ashamed to address but one that strikes my heart in such a profound way. I have way too much empathy and community in me to let such high numbers go un-noticed. I have been following closely the rise and fall and hopefully rise again of the charity Just Enough Faith. I have read the slander and political strong arm tactics which have seen it's founders portrayed in a manner that has me feeling embarrassed at how idiotic this federal government truly is. After making claims that donated dollars were misappropriated on gambling, it was later found in court that the only thing the Gambin's failed to do was file a tax return. I mean really? All the crap dished compiles to a whole heap of nothing and a couples reputation has been dragged literally through the mud. Shame shame shame.
What I like about JEF is the fact they are not government funded, nor are they religiously motivated. Which has been a factor in their success amongst Sydney's homeless and a thorn in state governance. Government does not want a vigilante food van feeding the homeless, because this has tax payers question where proposed funding is going to. Millions of tax dollars are ear marked to supposedly help the homeless and marginalized, yet these funds go 80% of the time to paying administration fees etc. This leaves a mere 20% for food of not even a quality level, yet this appears to be justified. DoCS spy's are placed strategically within these government funded food vans, which sees those who need it most going without due to fear. The word here is if you are not associated to a church or gov org, then it's possible you will be taken down by any means (and I mean ANY means) necessary to prove to the country our government is helping our homeless. Wrong!! When you take down and demean the character of a charity that was neither politically or religiously motivated, then I question just how determined they are to close the gap. It's about funding folks, not the homeless or marginalized. Government doesn't want to be questioned over the misuse of funds, because no one is utilizing their food vans/spy camps/recruitment paddy wagons. I'm seeing red like literally at how DoCS makes claims to their own lies, while lining the pockets of greedy church based charities such as The Salvos and Exodus. How dare they! How dare they pray on a persons situation for money, votes and system justification. Food for thought this Christmas as we all sit down to beautiful meals in our cosy homes.

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