Sunday, September 4, 2011

The dividing line

With the ever increasing westernized idea of tattoos on the lower back of women increasing. I'm finding it hard to contain my annoyance at this carrying over to Tā Moko. More so for the tattooists who do them. No I'm not a prude, I have a Tā Moko of my own which I don't disrespect by putting close to my butt crack. Intricate lines which although mean very little to some, hold significance by way of the lines which create a pattern. The same principles apply to carving, Tukutuku (weaved panels) panels found in our Marae (meeting houses) and now places of notice in the more public sector. Most symbols signify the beginning of life, life forces and sources, our ancestors more importantly, stories of old & new and pay homage to those passed on & maybe living too. Why Māori women in particular, consider their lower back in close proximity to their waste disposal unit a significant Tā Moko placement. Is beyond my comprehension and morals. All I can say is shame on you!!. Oh yes this is a dig blog and rightly so. You might as well place your butt on the food table to add to the mix.
Just saying!

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